How Coming Upon Pure Inner Silence Can Change Our Life
Have we ever wondered: what is silence, is it just the absence of sound?
Well, yes, in a way: silence makes outer sound possible or perceptible, in that, silence gives sound a vibrancy, quality or nature, referred to by many as mental freedom.
But silence is more than mere absence of sound. At transcendental level with, silence essentially is Power awaiting an awareness, or consciousness awaiting stimulation into action.
Pure inner silence thus equates to ‘potential’: potential requiring sound contact through which to manifest one’s latent potential. This is why mantras are used in meditation: their sounds vibrate into deeper consciousness: vibrational sound waves entering into levels of awareness not previously touched upon, resultant in expanded capacity of conscious mind. Levels of consciousness above the mental noise/sound of time and space or, relative existence. Transcendental silence – also termed cosmic consciousness — makes the all-knowing inner intelligence as reality presence within consciousness. In this context, vibrational sound waves in deeper mind give rise to direct experience of transcendental silence.
Exodus 3: 14 KJV puts it: And God said unto Moses ‘I AM That I AM’
‘God said unto Moses’ is symbolism for ‘God said unto you/me’.
Thus, when asked: ‘what is your name’ (name meaning nature, thus, what is your nature?), Jesus replied, ‘I AM That I AM’ meaning, ‘I will be what I will be’ meaning, my INNER name/nature is I AM Self-existent soul-silence; my transcendent I AM nature is Self-sufficient unto my own consciousness. Thus, like an unbounded ocean, transcendental ‘I AM’ silence contains and upholds the life-needs of every soul. In other words, the Truth or, all-knowing Silence, is already established within each of us as Potential.
The ‘I AM’ potential is the same standard for each person, in that, we’re each made in the image (imagination) and likeness (potential) of I AM or, God-Nature: we’re each the eternal I AM Silence or Potential. In this context, as Self-existent beings, we can each, through use of heightened imagination, create our own destiny, create our most heart-cherished dreams and visions. Thus, whatever we can conceive (in mind), believe (applied faith) we can achieve (manifest materially or spiritually within consciousness).
The simplest way of experiencing direct applied faith is to experience pure silence within, this silence IS pure faith, and such is how we ‘practice’ spiritual faith
Our purpose on earth is to come upon this creative silence: that we each become as manifesting channels [of flowing silence] through which divine Will fulfills purposefully as opposed to randomly. On becoming this channel, the Self-sufficiency status of I AM becomes automatic in expression: our individual inner-prompt needs now become the needs of nature. Thus our every thought, word and deed is in harmony with I AM, benefiting both ourself and others, thus the world at large.
Awakening Silence
Vibrational silence reveals that it was the mental noise of non-disciplined thinking that kept the spiritual soul asleep, now, paradoxically, it’s inner silence which awakens it.
Silence further reveals, that, we’re not born into this world as ready-made ‘saints’, rather as Potential. If we were born ‘perfect’ there would be nothing to overcome; no development and testing of applied faith, thus no reason to be in mortal bodies enduring the suffering or learning phase of soul evolution unto becoming conscious I AM, thus realizing our higher potential.
The nature of silence is Bliss, therefore, by engaging silence in daily meditation, bliss becomes infused into the very nature of the mind, thus establishing vibrational I AM as our own eternal Self-sufficient, faith-infused conscious soul. This is God getting to know God directly AS you and through you. In other words, God [I AM] works through us and not to us.
Silence being the active substance of faith, thus our faith first becomes established AS silence consciousness.
Ancient scholars knew the secret
Metaphysical writers have been highlighting the need of inner silence, for hundreds of centuries.
Thus, when weighing up the value of scriptures, it’s hugely important to acknowledge that these Self-realized authors were highly skilled in the practice of direct transcendental silence or, faith experiencing; daily meditators harnessing pure meditative silence hence their powerful, insightful and discernible writings on inner events, albeit in coded format.
Events for instance such as ‘Noah’s Ark’ resting atop of a Mount represents the awakened silence-mind coming upon higher — or Mount — states of silence within consciousness. Noah is symbolism for soul, with Ark representing the brain. For this reason, much of Scripture focuses on ‘silence within’ and inner spiritual awakening. Thus, mental and physical well-being are but reflections of transcendental silence consciousness.
The ancient scholars are emphasizing the need of quietening the ever-turbulent conscious mind and its associated levels of chaotic thinking, thereby accessing pure calm — transcendental consciousness — the source of spiritual and physical well-being. That, what mind thinks, or entertains, persistently will be taken as prayer by our deeper mind.
Thus, an obvious question arises: if bliss is the nature of silence, what then is its opposite nature?
The Fear-less Soul
As our spiritual soul is fear-less or, pure silence, thus, it’s not possible to be fear-filled while encountering deep silence on a daily basis. Thus, the opposite of pure silence is residual ignorance-based fear, the dominant emotion prior to spiritual awakening. With fear being the opposite of love, hence Scripture places huge emphasis in this area.
Job 3:25-26 NIV “What he feared most came upon him”
Job is clearly stating: what the deeper mind attaches to fearfully will be accepted as prayer and made manifest within – by law.
Happily, with silence being the opposite of fear, the reverse of Job’s statement is also true: whatever ‘prayer’ we’re constantly happiest about, comes to pass. In other words, when our consciousness becomes silence-based or, silence-infused, then this silence becomes as natural positive prayer. Or, when the heart becomes love-full and overflowing then fear cannot invade to overwhelm.
1 John 4:18 “Perfect Love castes out all Fear”.
Perfect Love, or pure transcendental silence, transforms human fear into spiritual soul love. The perfecting inner process awakens the asleep all-loving spiritual heart into expressional unconditional compassionate love; awakens our spiritual conscience from the mire of lower human intellect which creates and maintains fear in the deeper subconscious mind.
Developing ‘perfect love’ requires entering meditative silence daily. But once commenced upon, the target of ‘perfect love’ becomes unmissable in heart. Perfect love, as pure silence, then forms the basis of our every personal interaction regardless of creed or societal status. Such divine state extends beyond the boundaries of self-interest and lower-ego, when consciousness vibrates AS love, where fear cannot exist.
Scriptural expression of this fear-less love is referred to as ‘speaking in tongues’: speaking through the higher spiritual heart as opposed to language and mental activity sourced through spiritual ignorance and residual fear.
Transcendental Silence
Without direct experience of transcendental silence, the conscious mind finds itself adrift on the turbulent ocean of ‘noise’ and attraction to lower sense-consciousness. At this point, the need of inner silence becomes the imperative. In this context, inner hearing the sacred sound AUM is like dropping a mind-soothing pebble-sound into the choppy surface mental waters, thus triggering the ocean’s deeper stillness into oscillating pure silence unto our deeper consciousness, thereby ‘firing’ inner happiness, peace and love — to include boosting the immune system optimally.
This stillness-pebble, AUM, initiates vibration, expansion, thereby acclimatizing the consciousness of pure transcendental unbounded silence: the soul re-establishing on a higher spiritual evolution: realigning with higher states of vibrational silence consciousness. Our life now moving beyond chaos, confusion and uncertainty unto love-vibrancy, rootedness and permanency.—A-Vital-Scripture-Decoded&id=10473460