Healthy Living – Make Cooking at Home Part of Your Lifestyle

Most health problems today are primarily a result of indiscretion: most illnesses are self-inflicted. Not always of course, but it is predominantly the case we are at fault, and we could have done much better.

Nutrition is a big part of it. What we put into our body matters a lot more than you may think. Food is more than just fuel. However, even on that note, think about it this way. If you owned a luxury car like a Bentley or a Ferrari, would you opt for a “low-grade” fuel? You need to treat yourself as you deserve, and it is the very best. Not only should you eat well, but you need to cook a majority of the time also. Do both at once…

1. Make cooking convenient. Perhaps your reason for not preparing your meals is a lack of time or practice. The second is easily solved – cook more often! There is no better day than today for getting started: millions of recipes are at your fingertips – one search away.

A lack of time can be a barrier, and this is why you need to make cooking convenient. Cook a few times a week but make large portions to cover several meals. Or cook regularly, but make simple, healthy meals. Save the more elaborate dishes for the weekend.

If it helps, treat yourself to new kitchen tools: anything that makes cooking more practical for you.

2. Make cooking enjoyable. Cooking does not have to feel like a chore…

  • have music playing in the background or listen to a podcast.
  • try some new recipes.

Shorten your cooking time by perfecting your favorite dish – if you take 30 seconds less each time, it will add up. Anything much longer than 30 minutes on a weeknight will make many people averse to cooking. However, if you find you can prepare a meal in 20 minutes or less, you will enjoy it because you will be looking forward to eating a meal you are sure to like – well most of the time.

Do the above, and you will quickly make cooking a habit. It is a habit that pays for itself – the time you invest will earn you dividends in the form of better health. Even if you are not always preparing perfectly healthy meals, chances are you will be doing better than throwing pre-made food in the oven or microwave.

Take pride in preparing and cooking your meals. Invest more in this essential life skill. As long as you are not engaging in bad habits too often – like snacking or being completely sedentary, the difference it makes will be positive. It will help you prevent common health problems and improve your health and in turn, live a healthier life.

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