#COVID-19 Link Dump: Pierre Kory on the Vax, Why Are So Many Working-Age People Dying, the De-Platforming of Dr Vernon Coleman, Dr Russell Blaylock On the

Pierre Kory on the vax debacle:
I recently posted a deeply referenced compilation of evidence detailing the historic humanitarian catastrophe that has slowly unfolded within most advanced health economies across the world. Caused by a global mass vaccination campaign led by the Pharma masters of BMGF/WHO/CDC that illogically (but profitably) targeted a rapidly mutating coronavirus. They did it with what turned out to be the most toxic protein used therapeutically in the history of medicine. In vials mixed with lipid nano-particles, polyethylene glycol and who knows what else.
I cited studies and reports showing massive increases in cardiovascular deaths and neurologic (and other) disabilities amongst working age adults, beginning in 2021 only. A disturbing signal screaming from the original clinical trials data , VAERS data, life insurance data, disability data, reports of cardiac arrests of professional athletes, rises in ambulance calls for cardiac arrests in pre-heart attack age young people, and the massive increases in illnesses and data manipulations in Department of Defense databases.
As these events become more and more recognized by the average citizen (and occasional journalist), a new pathetic “Disinformation Campaign” was launched in response trying to blame all the young people dying as simply a need for increased awareness of the rare condition called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), rather than examples of the legions dying from the vaccines. The fact checkers also came out in support of this narrative, branding anyone who thinks the vaccines are the cause of SADS as a conspiracy theorist.
Five months after breaking the story of the CEO of One America insurance company saying deaths among working people ages 18-64 were up 40% in the third quarter of 2021, I can report that a much larger life insurance company, Lincoln National, reported a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021.

This is according to the annual statements filed with state insurance departments — statements that were provided exclusively to Crossroads Report in response to public records requests.
The reports show a more extreme situation than the 40% increase in deaths in the third quarter of 2021 that was cited in late December by One America CEO Scott Davison — an increase that he said was industry-wide and that he described at the time as “unheard of” and “huge, huge numbers” and the highest death rates that have ever been seen in the history of the life insurance business.
I can’t imagine and insurance company paying out a death benefit without seeing a certified death certificate. So what’s the cause of death on those certificates? Folks 18-64 years of age are not often the ones who die from COVID-19. But many of them were “required” to take the vax. Is the vax killing them?
The de-platforming of Dr Vernon Coleman:
Privately and professionally, sharing the truth in 2020 was the worst thing I ever did. It has brought me and my beloved, hard-working and constantly loyal wife nothing but personal and professional pain. It has taken up nearly every minute of my life for two years.
The aim of the attacks was not, simply to destroy me – it was to stop people listening to anything I said, or reading anything I wrote. Before March 2020 I had many millions of readers around the world. I wonder how many I have left now. Precious few, I suspect. How do people know that the word ‘discredited’, plucked out of thin air and applied to my name by Google, is just a libel and not a fact? How many know that the ASA which is quoted is a private organisation funded by advertisers?
I was expelled from the Royal Society of Arts because ‘of my views and my recent involvement in the BBC Panorama programme’. That’s what they said. This seemed to me to be a bit like arresting someone because they’d been mugged. (I was never invited to appear on the programme they mentioned. The BBC boasts that it won’t ever give airtime to those questioning vaccination ‘whether they’re right or wrong’.)
The abuse on social media grew and grew. It isn’t normal, unpleasant social media abuse. It is a campaign of suppression and oppression, decorated with malicious lies, and threats (including death threats) invented to help keep the truth suppressed.
If my videos or articles are put on sites such as YouTube by other people they are taken down within minutes.
Look, I don’t even know what Dr Coleman wrote or said in 2020 about COVID-19. If you know, leave a brief summary in the comment section. Shouldn’t he be allowed to air his medical opinions, even if dead wrong?
He mentioned his LinkedIn account was shut down. Mine was, too. If I wanted to know why, I needed to send them a photo of my driver’s license, which I ain’t gonna do.
Dr Russell Blaylock writing in Surgical Neurology International:
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies. We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.
For the first time in American history a president, governors, mayors, hospital administrators and federal bureaucrats are determining medical treatments based not on accurate scientifically based or even experience based information, but rather to force the acceptance of special forms of care and “prevention”—including remdesivir, use of respirators and ultimately a series of essentially untested messenger RNA vaccines. For the first time in history medical treatment, protocols are not being formulated based on the experience of the physicians treating the largest number of patients successfully, but rather individuals and bureaucracies that have never treated a single patient—including Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, EcoHealth Alliance, the CDC, WHO, state public health officers and hospital administrators.
From McClatchy Washington Bureau:
Since late February, Americans who have gotten a booster shot appear to be testing positive for COVID-19 more often than those vaccinated without the extra shot, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.
This is based on numbers up until the week of April 23, which is the most recently released CDC data comparing case rates of those boosted, vaccinated and unvaccinated against the coronavirus. Ultimately, the numbers, which are updated monthly, showed those unvaccinated had the highest case rates overall.
Meanwhile, about 119 out of 100,000 boosted individuals tested positive for COVID-19 during the week of April 23, according to CDC data. In comparison, 56 out of 100,000 individuals vaccinated with only a primary series tested positive.
Johns Hopkins researchers say the lockdowns didn’t reduce deaths from COVID-19:
The results of our meta-analysis support the conclusion that lockdowns in the spring of 2020 had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality. This result is consistent with the view that voluntary changes in behavior, such as social distancing, did play an important role in mitigating the pandemic.

COVID-19 vaccines linked to infertility:
Why is there a substantial decrease in births in Germany and Switzerland (and other countries) – nine months after the beginning of covid mass vaccinations?
Do covid vaccines influence male or female fertility? … new birth data out of Germany and Switzerland raises some serious questions. Specifically, both countries recorded a consistent 10% to 15% decrease (compared to expectations) in monthly births from January to March/April 2022 (the latest available data) – that is, precisely nine months after the beginning of covid mass vaccination in the general population in April/May 2021 (see charts above and below).
How can this substantial decrease be explained? Is it due to behavioral or biological factors?
Steve Parker, M.D.