May 6, 2024


Health is important

Eye infections in moonsoon

Eye Infections in Monsoon, Treatment and Prevention Methods

How to Prevent Common Eye infections in Monsoon?

It is really important to be aware of all the eye infections that come with the monsoon in order to prevent them. In India, Monsoon is the most anticipated season every year. But It has a drawback of mostly forgotten dangers. Eye infections in the monsoon can be quite common.

A good percentage of our population is prone to eye infections, be it children or adults. Most eye problems are common and hard to avoid, but only a few can be serious problems. Carefully read through the following infographic to stay updated on the health of your eyes and eye problems in

Why are Eye infections in Monsoon?

As you could imagine, Climate and weather can be major factors when it comes to eye health. The problem with Monsoon is that it encourages the growth of toxic bacteria inside houses which lead to multiple eye diseases. In monsoon, people are subjected to much more water, air pollution or high amounts of pollen, which can all affect the eyes in different ways that cause eye problems.

Eye infections can range from being minor to being very severe, so it is important to watch for the signs of a potential problem and have a professional diagnose it.

Common Eye Infections:

These are one of the most common diseases that occur around the globe, affecting every age group. It is usually caused by bacteria or viruses in body fluids. Eye problems are very annoying and painful to experience. They cause redness, pain, blurry vision, itching etc.

One of the most common eye infections is conjunctivitis (pink eye), which is usually caused by a virus or bacteria. Bacterial conjunctivitis can be difficult to treat and tends to recur frequently while viral conjunctivitis will clear up on its own after one or two weeks. It’s important for patients with eye problems to see an ophthalmologist since there are chances for complications such as blindness.

Here we discuss the 7 most common eye problems in monsoon:

  1. Pink eye or Conjunctivitis
  2. Blurred vision
  3. Stye Eye
  4. Dry Eyes
  5. Corneal Ulcer
  6. Redness
  7. Itchy eyes

1. Pink eye or Conjunctivitis:

Conjunctivitis is an eye problem that causes the redness of the eyes, along with a discharge. It is caused by one of the adenoviruses, which are so named for their association with the respiratory tract. While not usually fatal, it can lead to serious complications if left untreated.

Conjunctivitis can spread quickly among children in schools, day-cares and camps which cause it to be one of the most common eye diseases that are contagious.

There are different types of conjunctivitis:

  1. Allergic Conjunctivitis
  2. Infectious conjunctivitis
  3. Chemical conjunctivitis etc.

That have their own symptoms and severity levels. Allergic conjunctivitis is associated with seasonal allergies where there are symptoms of watery eyes, itchy eyes and redness in both eyes. The condition is usually treatable without the need for medication or surgery. If you have this condition, your doctor can prescribe you antibiotic eye drops to help relieve your symptoms and get you back to normal again.

2. Blurred Vision:

Blurred vision is one of the most common eye problems, and it can be caused by many factors such as seasonal changes, underlying health conditions, previous eye diseases etc. Most people get blurry vision at least once in their lives, but not everyone knows that they should see an eye doctor to get help with it.

This is because there are so many things that cause this problem, and so many ways to treat it, depending on the underlying cause. For example, Blurred vision is also one of the symptoms of diabetes. If you ever experience blurry vision and you’re not sure if it’s related to diabetes, contact your doctor immediately. It could save your life.

In India blurred vision treatment cost approximately between 80,000 to 1,00,000 and it depends on severity of the problem.

3. Stye Eye:

A stye or hordeolum is a red bump on the edge of an eyelid caused by an eye infection. It can be painful and will usually go away on its own in one to two weeks. It usually occurs in the upper eyelid and is caused by a blocked gland at the base of an eyelash. Styes usually show up in the monsoon and are caused by eye infections from bacteria living on oily skin around your eyes.

This bacterial build-up can then cause a stye to form. Diet may also be a contributing factor if you have lots of hot spicy food that irritate your eyes, especially if you do not wash your hands before touching your eyes.

Note: If your eye styes do not improve after two weeks, make an appointment with your doctor.

4. Dry Eyes:

Dry eye disease, also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca or KCS, is a recurring condition that can cause discomfort or even pain in your eyes. It typically affects both eyes, although it may only affect one at a time. If you have it, you’ll know how uncomfortable and annoying it is to have your eyeballs feel like sandpaper every time you blink. There are many risk factors for experiencing dry eyes – from seasonal changes to medications and other lifestyles.

The good news is that there are several ways to treat dry eye syndrome, so you don’t need to suffer from the discomfort any longer. Dry eye disease is one of the most common reasons for visits to ophthalmologists during monsoon.

5. Corneal Ulcer:

A corneal ulcer is a break in the clear surface of the eye that causes tenderness or pain in the corner of the eye. The cornea is the transparent layer of cells that covers the iris. Corneal Ulcer may be caused by an injury to the eye, a foreign body pressing on it, or other conditions. A healthy eye will heal itself, but sometimes it’s not possible to grow new tissue on top of an ulcer. If this happens, vision can be lost permanently if the ulcer isn’t treated right away.

6. Redness

The redness of the eye, though very common, is often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. The most common cause of the redness of the eye is allergies. If you are experiencing red eyes on a consistent basis, chances are high that your allergies are to blame. When you have allergies, your body produces more histamine than it should and this causes inflammation in your eyes and surrounding tissues.

While redness of the eye is often caused by allergies, it may also be due to dry eyes, blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), or meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), among other things. A lot can be done to treat this eye infection early on before they get too bad. Simple over-the-counter remedies like antihistamines can help reduce these symptoms greatly while allowing you to enjoy life.

7. Itchy eyes

Itchy eyes are a common problem today. It could be caused by dryness, allergies or even dust particles. Another reason for itchy eyes could be that we have so many devices running at the same time. Our phones, tablets, computers, and televisions all put off different forms of radiation. This constant bombardment of electromagnetic waves can make it very hard to rest your eyes. No matter what causes your itchy eyes, you want to know how to get rid of the itch as soon as possible.

Fortunately, there are some natural techniques you can use to get rid of the discomfort caused by itchy eyes. One of them is to get yourself an eye mask that filters out the harmful light waves before they even reach your face. Another thing you can do is find a dark room and focus on relaxing for about 20 minutes a day.

First and foremost, think about whether or not it is an allergic reaction. If you have seasonal allergies that are making your eyes itchy then there are several over-the-counter medications that can help relieve those symptoms. You will want to talk with your doctor about which one would best suit the severity of your allergy symptoms.

“The best way to avoid all these eye infections in monsoon is to take proper care of your eyes.”

Bottom line: If you think you might be at risk for any of these eye problems, call Redheal today! They can help determine if you have any eye infections that require treatment.

10 Ways to Prevent Eye infections in Monsoon

1.      Wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays

2.      Stay away from plants, trees, mold and other allergens

3.     Do not rub your eye with dirty fingers

4.     If you need to clean your contact lenses, hold them by the edges

5.     Throw away old contact lens cases or buy new ones every 6 months

6.     Forget about sharing your contact lens case with others. This can lead to eye problems

7.     Keep your eyes hydrated with good quality drinking water and lots of green vegetables.

8.     Use a Humidifier to avoid dry eyes

9.     Eat fresh fruits which are rich in antioxidants like lycopene, beta carotene and vitamin C.

10.  Keep indoor air circulating by opening windows regularly.

What Kind of Sunglasses Should You Wear?

If you live in a region with a monsoon season, you want to protect your eyesight and avoid eye infections. Sunglasses are the most important thing to invest in; they protect your eyes from sunlight, rain and eye diseases.

Use of a Humidifier for Dry Eyes:

You can use a humidifier to help your eyes stay moist and healthy throughout the monsoon season. A humidifier will release just enough water vapor into the air, which can feel soothing on dry eyes. There are many types of humidifiers such as ultrasonic and cool-mist units, so you can find one that will work best for your needs and prevent eye infections.

Checklist for an Eye Exam

If you or someone you know has not had an eye exam in the last 2 years, it is important to get one now. If there is no risk, the American Optometric Association recommends having an eye exam every two years. However, if you are over the age of 65 or there is a risk, the frequency of your eye examinations should be increased based on your eye condition or as directed by your ophthalmologist. Additionally, eyeglasses should be updated according to what you use them for. Glasses for reading or computer work need to be stronger than glasses used for distance vision.

Pediatric Eye care:

It is now common knowledge that kids are not immune to eye infections even though they are very young. Monsoon is usually blamed as the cause for this increase in eye infections, but sometimes seasonal allergies or bacterial contamination can also be said to be responsible. Eye infections found in kids and adults are pink-eye, sties, etc.

Coming to the eye infections in monsoon, children and adults face different issues with the eyes depending on their health and lifestyle. Most common eye infections in adults and kids are because of using electronic media, stress and lack of sleep. Parenting in such a way that safeguards children from various eye infections is essential because many of them cannot articulate how they feel any sorrow in their eyes.

Eyesight is extremely important and can be compromised without proper care and attention.

For example:

  1. Running in the rain or contact sports such as basketball and football can both cause eye problems. Since the eyes are so sensitive, even tiny specks of dirt can scratch the retina causing damage to them.
  2. Trauma to the eye such as a blow to the head or in sports, and eye dryness and mucus in children can also lead to eye infections which are not easily treated without care in time.

Common Eye infections in monsoon in kids and adults:

  1. Blurred or poor vision
  2. Itching in the eyes
  3. Swelling around the eyes
  4. A teary eye

    Note: If you notice any symptoms of eye problems in monsoon or other eye diseases with your child’s eyes, you should see an eye specialist right away to avoid any complications. For accurate diagnosis and treatment of all eye issues, it is recommended you to visit Redheal in Hyderabad.

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