May 3, 2024


Health is important

Hair Fall Reason in Men & Women and Medication for Hair Growth

Hair fall reason

Most people think it only happens to men, but It is estimated that more than half of all women are going to face hair loss at some point in life. It is normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. If there is much more than that, it could be a sign of too much thinning. Some hair loss is caused by certain hair patterns and illnesses.

What is the reason for causing hair fall in both men and women?

1. Age

Almost everyone loses hair and has thinner hair as they get older. At every age, our cells grow and die, but as we get older, our cells die off faster than they can grow back. Because of this, our bones and skin get weaker. Our hair goes through the same thing.

As we get older, our scalps also make less oil, which can make our hair weak and breakable. This can also lead to hair fall reasons and thinning all over.

So, for some men and women hair loss may get worse as they get older. This is called androgenetic alopecia, or pattern hair loss.

2. Hereditary hair loss

This type of hair loss is the most common cause of hair fall around the world. It can happen to both men and women. Men’s hair loss is called male pattern baldness. Women get female pattern hair loss. Androgenic alopecia is the medical term for hair loss that happens in both men and women.

It means that you have genes that cause your hair follicles to shrink and stop growing hair. Shrinking can start as early as your teens, but still, it usually happens later in life.

The first sign of reasons for hair fall in women that is caused by genes is usually thinning all over or a greater part. When a man loses his hair because of his genes, the first reason for hair fall in men is usually a fading hairline or a bald spot on the top of his head.

3. Hormonal changes

People with conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) have higher levels of androgen, which can cause female pattern hair loss. Women with more obvious hair loss and any of the following symptoms can happen such as:

  • Acne
  • Face or body hair that grows too much
  • Irregular periods

Other things that can cause changes in your hormone levels, like pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and hypothyroidism, may also affect hair growth. Even changing the way you take your medications can make your hair thinner if they change your hormone levels. For example, some women can lose their hair when they stop taking birth control pills. 

4. Stressful traumatic event

You suddenly start losing a lot of hair. You can find it on your pillow, on the floor, on your clothes, and stuck in the shower drain. So much hair seems to fall out that you don’t want to brush it.

During telogen effluvium (temporary hair loss) is the most common cause of alopecia. Stress-induced hair loss is a disorder that may be reversed. However the hair frequently comes back after the stress decreases, therefore therapy is not always necessary.

5. Nutritional deficiencies

There can be many types of telogen effluvium. This type of deficiency starts slowly and lasts longer (over 6 months). Nutritional deficiencies are often a possible cause. Low levels of iron, vitamin D, and zinc have all been linked to losing hair.

Most of the time, vitamin deficiencies are easy to fix with dietary supplements. Before taking any vitamin supplements, you should always consult your doctor.

6. Infections on the scalp 

When infections affect the scalp, hair can fall out. This happens when bacteria, yeast, or fungi grow too much and get into hair follicles. You could have pus bumps, redness, and flaky skin. Sometimes the scalp feels itchy or even hurts. 

Fungal infections of the scalp are very infectious and are the most common cause of excessive hair fall. With the right antibiotic, antifungal medicine, or home remedies for fungal infections in hair, most scalp infections can be treated. If these infections are not treated, they can leave permanent scars on the scalp.

7. Due to some other medical issues

Many other medical conditions, like:

  • Renal failure
  • Inflammation of the intestines (IBD)
  • A disease of the liver
  • Diabetes

On the scalp, skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis can make it hard for hair to grow. Hair loss can also be caused by infections like ringworm of the scalp and folliculitis.

Types of Medications for hair growth in men and women

If you are going through a lot of hair fall then you have to consult your doctor, so he/she will prescribe you medicine like topical or oral for both men and women such as:

1. For Men Minoxidil Topical Solution

Minoxidil Topical Solution is used to treat hair loss caused by genes. It can stop hair loss from getting worse and help hair grow back. It works best for bald spots or thinning hair at the top of the head. 

2. Himalaya Anti-Hair Fall Hair Oil 

It stops hair from falling out and makes hair grow. It has a lot of good things in it, like Bhringaraja and Amalaki, which strengthen the roots and stop hair loss.

3. Minopep Anti-Hairfall Shampoo

Minopep Anti-Hairfall Shampoo is made to stop hair loss and improve the health of your hair and scalp. It makes the scalp’s blood flow better, which makes hair thicker.

4. Imxia Xl Serum Liquid

Imxia XL serum liquid is a hair growth serum that helps hair grow, stops hair loss, makes hair stronger and more flexible, and stops hair from getting thinner.

5. Adgain Plus Capsule

The Adgain Plus Capsule helps treat or stop a lack of biotin in the hair. Adgain plus capsule is used to treat hair loss, slow hair growth, hair damage, and other hair problems. It helps hair that has been damaged stay healthy.

6. Hairbless tablet

Hairbless tablet is a nutritional supplement that helps hair grow. It works by boosting hair growth at the level of the cells and by making the scalp a better place for hair to grow. It makes hair better by making it thicker, stronger, and smoother.

7. Kesh King Anti Hairfall Shampoo 200 ML

Kesh King Anti Hairfall Shampoo is formulated with many different ayurvedic herbs. It will assist to reduce the amount of hair that would be lost.

8. Keratone Oil

Keratone Oil is a combination of ayurvedic herbs, which is used to regulate hair loss and prevent premature greying of the hair. This pure ayurvedic herb helps to minimise dry, itchy, and flaky scalp conditions. It Provides a higher sensory experience for scalp relaxation by stimulating the nerve endings.

Therefore, there are many reasons for excessive hair fall in both men and women. So, consult with your doctor and start further treatment. You can buy these medicines from any local medical stores or purchase them online medicine store from Truemeds and get discounts up to 72% on your medicine order. They also provide free PAN India home delivery with minimum purchases of Rupees 500. You can also check their coupon code to get an extra discount on your medicine order.